We miss you guys!

We miss you guys!
IMAGE CAPTION – It seems like it was yesterday!
Good Morning All You Merri-Mac Girls!
If you are anything like us you are wondering what is happening with all your camp friends, so every week we are going to post a new Smoke Signals. We’ll try to let you know who we’ve heard from and what’s happening around here, which we hope will relieve some of your Merri-Mac homesickness.
Right now Dan and Adam are busy planning their first trips through Florida, Virginia and Atlanta so some of you will be getting calls asking if we can host Merri-Mac meetings in your homes. We’ll also be sure to invite you to any meetings near by. We’re also starting to talk with staff about next summer and we already know that Rachel Jordan, Ann and Jill Gironelli, Kate Miller, Michelle Ravish, Abby Glackin and Mary Lago are going to be back as first session CIT’s. We should be adding more first session girls, and will start talking to second session in the next week or so and we’ll try to keep you posted as we go.
We also want to hear from you so please pass along any notes you what to share with your camp friends. For example, Mary Page made her school J.V. Volleyball team and Brianna D. plays ahead of her on Varsity. Rachel S. wrote to saying, “Hey yall! I can’t believe summer is almost over! 🙁 It went by way to quickly. But, the best news of all is that I’m coming for a month next year! What’s also amazing is how even though I’ve been home for only a little over a month, I already want to be back to camp! I guess there’s just something about it that makes me so happy I can’t explain it. Well, I miss everyone, and hope to see you soon. Bye!”
We want to hear from you too so click here Tell Us What’s New! and say “Hey yall!” to your camp friends.
And come September, we will remember, our camping days and friendships true…
Adam and Ann