A Christian Camp
There are several different types of Christian camps. There are church camps, where youth groups attend together. There are Bible camps, where the primary focus is on Bible teaching and discipleship. There are also traditional camps that place their greatest emphasis on teaching skills and the like. Merri-Mac is a little different than any of these.
Traditional and Christ-Centered
Merri-Mac is a traditional camp that believes that we are called to do all things to the glory of God. We believe that it pleases God when we teach our activities, plan our summer camp program, foster friendships, serve our meals, build our cabins and train our horses with excellence as the standard.
This is especially important in choosing staff. All of our camp counselors are chosen to serve in Christian leadership. They must have a high view of Scripture and a strong understanding of grace and the gospel. Our chapel and devotion times are very important, but much more important is the Christian leadership demonstrated by our counselors.
Children come to camp to have fun. We believe the happiest environment is one in which the love of Jesus Christ is displayed by the staff and experienced by everyone.