Staff FAQs
Greatest Job in the World?
We say yes! Ask any Merri-Mac counselor and she will tell you that she has never worked so hard or enjoyed it so much. And we love developing our counselors, making you into better instructors, team members and leaders.
Staff live in rustic cabins. Each cabin has two showers/sinks/toilets and screened windows. Generally 3 staff live in a cabin of 12-15 campers for the summer.
Our campers are technology free for the summer and we want our staff to model that as well. Counselors may use their phone during their time off and in emergencies. Otherwise we unplug!
Each counselor gets one full day and one night off per week.
Absolutely. We have a staff parking lot and many staff members have cars.If you don’t have your car it’s okay, though. Time off is scheduled in groups, so carpooling is very common.
We develop staff – we really love investing in you guys so we do a lot of training. For some staff this will begin with certifications before your arrive at camp. Everyone will be a part of a six-day training week, and some specialty staff (riding, mountain biking, backpacking, kayaking, climbing, etc.) may arrive a few days early for skill-specific training and certifications. Before our campers arrive you guys will know and love each other, and you will be ready to help girls grow through friends and adventure.
We’re right in Black Mountain and about 20 minutes from Asheville. And yes, Asheville is as great as everyone says it is.