Cultivating a Community
Cultivating a Community
All around camp our passionate landscaping team has cultivated and developed the many trees, bushes, flowers, and fields on our property. The intentional care of our property serves as a beautiful metaphor of our ministry model here at camp.
This property has taken years and years of cultivation and devoted attention. Our grounds keepers have intentionally dedicated time and love to working with the land day after day. We recognize that each part of the land holds a unique and special beauty that contributes to the community of our property, thus making it a better place. Each piece of land is personally cared for based on its needs and developed with loving and gentle intentions.
Much like the way our landscaping team cares for our unique and beautiful land, so do we care for our campers. We believe that each camper is perfectly unique, beautiful, and worthy to be cared for. There is a desire to care for and love our campers so well that they feel empowered to become the best, strongest and most confident versions of themselves. We spend intentional time, year after year, loving these young women and getting to know them each personally. We attempt to cater specifically to their needs and hopes each day. As a forest cannot grow over night, so it is with the campers of Merri-Mac. With each passing year Merri-Mac will be here, helping grow, cultivate, and develop our campers into the strong, beautiful, and mystifying pieces of God’s creation that we truly believe they are.
By: Ally Gudeman |assistant director|