Today was another beautiful day at camp! We woke up bright and early at 7am to clean our cabins and get ready for the day. For breakfast, we had a classic spread complete with biscuits and gravy, eggs, and sausage. Then, we sang a few of our favorite silly camp songs, including “Darlin’ You Can’t Love One”. After breakfast we headed up to chapel where we sang some more favorites like “Reckless Love”, before Mary Page told us a story about who God is.
Then, we got to head off to some of our activities for the very first time! At camp, we get to do half of our activities on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays and our other half of activities on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, so today was another exciting day of firsts! DIY Crafts was making their own stools, canoeing was learning the parts of the paddle and the canoe before getting in the water, and pickleball was learning the basics before hitting the courts!
After some time in activities in the morning, we headed down the hill to enjoy some time together on the back green before lunch. We were so excited to find out that we were having one of the most popular camp lunches…….taco in a bag! What a treat! We wrapped up lunch by singing our tribe songs and learning that the Red Wolves won our fierce game of Base Jumping last night!
Then, we were off to some much needed quiet time during rest hour, followed by free time to hang out with friends and enjoy some treats from the trading post. Before we knew it, it was time for our afternoon activities! Soon enough, it was time to suit up into our tribe jerseys, head to dinner, and kick off yet another heated tribal competition!
Tonight we’re playing one of our very favorite games: battleball! Battleball is just a fancy word for dodgeball, but the girls came ready to play in their best face paint, glitter, and tutus. You’ll have to check back tomorrow to see who won, but each tribe had a blast! After the game, we headed back to spend time with our cabins before heading to bed. We had such a great day, and we can’t wait to see what’s in store for tomorrow.
From this haven,
Maddie Lemmon
Evening Activity and Cabin Area Director