Songfest and The Amazing Race!

Songfest and The Amazing Race!
Today was another amazing day at camp! We woke up bright and early at 7am and cleaned our cabins before enjoying a delicious breakfast of scrambled eggs, sausage, and danishes!
After breakfast and some singing, we headed up to chapel where we heard a story from Will about what sacrificial love is. Then, we were off to our activities for the day! In DIY, girls finished making their stools, cooking made brownie waffles, archery perfected their shooting, and lake activities got to have free swim!
After our morning activities, we went to lunch where we had a camp favorite…chicken nuggets and fries!!!! Then we learned that we would be playing Gold Rush tonight as the last tribe game of the summer!
Next it was time for some much needed rest and trading post time. Normally we have free time after trading post, but today we did something really special. We had Songfest! Songfest is a tradition at camp where every session, each tribe writes a brand new tribe song and a new song to be sung after breakfast. Towards the end of the session, each tribe performs their songs in front of all of camp in hopes of earning major points for the banner for their tribe! Today, the Black Bears came out on top!
After Songfest, we headed to our afternoon activities before going to dinner where we enjoyed sausage pasta, vegetables, and rolls. Then, it was time for our tribes to compete! Gold Rush is a game where there is gold hidden all around camp and campers try to find the gold and get it to their tribe’s pile without being tagged by counselors who are the bandits! If you get tagged, you must go in front of a judge and come up with a story as to why your tribe needs the gold more than the bandit. At the end of the game, we gathered and weighed the gold and found out that the Golden Eagles won!
After the game and such a fun day, we headed back to our cabins where we spent time together before heading to bed. We’ve been having so much fun, and we can’t believe tomorrow is the last full day of the summer! We’re taking advantage of every last day together and also getting so excited to see our families on Thursday! We can’t wait to see what our last day of camp will bring.
From this haven,
Maddie Lemmon
Evening Activity and Cabin Area Director