IMAGE CAPTION – good times at Merri-Mac

Dear Merri-Mac,

Our office is getting busier and busier as we begin preparing more and more for next summer.

Some of our sessions are already full, and the staff is nearly so. In addition to the inside work

there’s also a lot of outside work. Bobby has prepared the site for the new slide, several cabins

are getting a face lift, and we are about to start work on three new bathrooms. The new canoe dock

is going to be another big project which should start on March 1.

From the Campers:

Tiffany writes, “I’m so excited this year for camp!! I’m going for 3 weeks!! I hope to see all of

my friends and make new ones too. Well, I just can’t wait for CHOCTAW to WIN THE BANNER!!! Oh, and

this summer sometime after camp I’m moving to Tennessee. I am really excited and 6th grade has been

GREAT.” Jenna says, “I made the national Jr. Honor Society and I’m on the varsity girls basketball

team at my school and we’re going to state.” Finally, Grace R. reports, “I’m on my varsity rowing

squad now!!! I’m so excited that I get to go to Florida with them this spring, but not even close to

how excited I am about camp this summer! It’s going to be AMAZING!, and even that is an

understatement!!! I hope that everyone is having an awesome 2006!!!”

News from the Staff:

It is clear that the staff is keeping busy with school work. Stephen has been to UGA twice now

and has recruited a huge crop of girls that want to join staff ranks. In fact we’ve gotten so many

applications that we cannot keep up with them.

Laura B. wrote to say, “I had an awesome Christmas. I had the opportunity to go to the Dominican

Republic on a medical missions trip. It was AMAZING! I am getting so excited about camp and cannot

wait for the summer.”

Autumn B. writes, “I’m attending LSU next fall. I just found out and I’m very excited!”

Finally, pursuant with their New Year’s resolution, Anne A. and Gibbs are still writing almost

every day. I think they have too much time on their hands!

Great Camping!
