IMAGE CAPTION – On the road again!

Good morning all you Merri-Mac girls!

Jen and Adam have both just returned from our first home showing trips and loved seeing so many camp families. There are too many pictures to show in one week, but Adam visited Alli and Jordan W., Max and Audra H., the Potts, Nick and Stephanie C., Leslie L., Meghan H., the Guardabassis, the Sheehee’s and Jenna G. Jen got to see: Mary Grace B., Bailey C., the Davids, the Rubys, and Margaret S. Later Jen visited Caroline E., Isabelle and Macgregor R., and Shannon D. We also got to see lots of other Merri-Mac girls who joined us for visits and we hope you will also join us if we come to your town. If you would like us to visit your home just have your mom let us know.

Things We Hear:

Ashley from Big Dipper wrote to say: “After Merri-Mac, I went to Hawaii and 1 other camp. I like M-m BETTER! But then my cousin came over for 6 weeks, and I have just started 7th grade. Very Busy, definitely coming back next year…gotta get mom to sign me up again. Have a swim meet tomorrow, and am on the Adult Black class at Kung Fu.

ASHLEY in BIG DIPPER in CHOCTAW in TENNESSEE.” Elizabeth S. says, “At school I joined a field hockey team and we visited Chapel Hill, and if JO you are reading this, we passed right near your home town. Man, I miss camp so much I just want to go back,” and Anna N. wrote just to say hi. We’d love to hear from you too so drop us a line by clicking on the what’s new link and dropping us an email.

From the Staff:

There’s lots happening with staff signing up for next summer; we’ll give a full list soon, but for now you should all know that Gibbs just signed back up. I’m also talking with Brooke B., so there should be some blasts from the past this summer!

Check back next week for more updates.

Great Camping!

Adam and Ann