IMAGE CAPTION – Smile! Smile! Let me see you smile!

Good Moring All You Merri-Mac Girls!

We are writing this as quickly as we can because Camp is losing power today! Our next step in making camp beautiful is to put some of our power lines under ground so when you drive up next summer the thing to notice is what is not there. We are also busy ordering our new camp clothing this week. Be sure to let us know if you have anything you would like to see us order. Finally, we thought you might like to know that the Merri-Mac barn is keeping busy this year. Jan began a year round riding program at camp so some of our favorite horses have stayed with us. Cody says hi!

From the campers we have word that Marissa D. is looking forward to starting boarding school next year. Don’t worry, she’s still coming to camp. Mary Page is planning on visiting Brianna D. at her school tomorrow and Ann sees Lillie M. and Adair every Sunday because she teaches their Sunday School class. They’re both doing great and looking forward to camp. Finally Rylie B. wrote to say “I now have a baby sister! Her name is Brooke and she is SO cute!”

Adam just came back from a trip meeting new campers in Atlanta and is about to go to Virginia where he will see Lang M., and all the Mertens (they have 4 campers!). After that he will be turning his attention full time to staff because there is not much room left for new campers.

Stephen is also on his way to VA today as he goes to Va. Tech. to meet new boating and climbing counselors. Vanessa borrowed a camp boat so she can get more time on the river before camp starts and our favorite news…Dave wrote to say hi.

From This Haven…

Adam and Ann