Why a Larger Dining Hall?
Why a Larger Dining Hall?
So we are expanding our beloved Tucker Inn and in a place ruled by tradition the first question everyone asks is why? The answer is simple: we want our girls to have a little more elbow room. The more complicated part is the reason so many campers ask the question.
We are made to live life together. Tradition is the place where that community extends past a single generation. In other words, our girls from the 50’s (who came for a visit this week) are part of the community because we still sing the same songs, cheer for the same tribes, and do both in the same Tucker Inn. My favorite part about this is that once you are a Merri-Mac girl you are part of the tradition, the community; you are an insider.
So don’t worry, we’ll be very careful in the way we make additions to Tucker Inn. We’ll take good care of it because it is the place where so many of our girls have fallen in love with Merri-Mac.
From The Mail Bag:
Mary Grace B. was in town recently and got to see Mary Page at school. She wrote, “Hey Merri-Mac! I miss all of y’all incredibly and I can’t wait to go back to camp next summer for 6 weeks again. I had the best summer of my life this summer at camp and I can’t wait to have an even better one next year! I think about camp everyday and all of the great times I had. Just remember SEMINOLES ARE GOING TO WIN THE BANNER!” Speaking as an Iroquois I’ll just say, hmmm. We also heard from Claire P., “Hey Merri-Mac! This past weekend I took the train up to Washington DC to visit Katherine A. We had a great time on Friday night, and talked to lots of camp friends. Oh and I saw Goldie, (Seminole spirit stick) as well :). Then on Saturday we hung out with Courtney (Dreams Begin counselor) at Katherine’s house! I am so happy that I’ve made such great Merri-Mac friends and it was wonderful to see them during the year!”
From This Haven…
Adam and Ann