Laughter, Smiles, Songs, and so much more. All in a first day’s work!

Laughter, Smiles, Songs, and so much more. All in a first day’s work!
Good evening, Merri-Mac!!
As the first official day of camp for the summer, we have had a blast! As always, we started the morning off bright and early with a camp favorite of baked oatmeal and breakfast songs. The newest Merri-Mac girls felt right at home singing our breakfast songs and joining in on camp traditions. With our Camp Director, Adam Boyd, leading us, each camper sang the Camp Hymn.
Then, all the fun began! Tetherball, games, camp tours, and running around all before the first activity period. In activity classes, all girls listened to a brief safety talk (A safe camper is a happy camper!), and then we started right in on learning new skills. First time archers shot arrows with amazing precision and grace! Drama girls played improv games with grand expression and poise. Guitar instructors hopped right into teaching girls new songs! In fitness, girls stretched and got rocking with new moves! From the chapel, you could hear our Choir girls singing a joyful sound around the camp. In gymnastics, girls showed off current moves and perfected their back-hand springs and bar routines. Our cooking classes baked delicious chocolate chip cookies for all, and knitting began working on bookmarks and headbands. Our newest program addition, pottery, proved to bring the best out of the girls in terms of creativity. Team sports got right into sharpening their skills, and Camp Craft girls learned how to tie knots and make a tarp tent. In swimming, the girls had the chance to do the blob for the first time! As Tweedle Dum camper Madison C. said, “This is awesome! I LOVE the Blob!!!” Kayaking practiced wet exits, and Canoeing worked on strokes. Our campers learned so many new things and sharpened the skills in their repertoire.
Our newest tribe members sang tribal songs at lunch, proving their loyalty and excitement to their fellow peers! Singing, clapping, and stomping could be heard from the new Tucker Inn, as it was once again a great reminder that summer had officially begun here at camp. Our new tribe leaders led tribe meetings. For Choctaw, the new ladies in leadership are Olivia W., Anna M., Jessica G., and Anne Dillon L. For Iroquois, our new tribe leaders are Baily A., Bianca P., Amy J., and Anna Blair P. For the yellow and blue Seminoles, our new tribe leaders are Mary Helen P., Larkin S., Kaitlin O., and Claire D. Trading Post, or the Trade Po as we call it, officially opened to the giddy screams of campers! At dinner, Camilla, Natalie, and Maria Salume were all initiated into the Choctaw Tribe tonight! Go Choctaws!
White Out was our evening activity, and the girls had furious fun!!! With music blasting, our girls had a shaving cream war with counselors and each other, giving more meaning to the title “The White Out”. The girls then had the chance to go down our awesome water slide! It was the perfect ending to a perfect first day at camp! The girls finished the day with cabin devotions and sweet dream wishes from their counselors! We are so blessed to be Merri-Mac girls, and we will always cherish Merri-Mac in our hearts! Merri-Mac: First, Last, Always.
Chasidy S.