Life is good here at Camp Merri-Mac
Life is good here at Camp Merri-Mac
Adam Boyd - June 18th 2013
The morning dawned bright and beautiful on Camp Merri-Mac this Tuesday. Your daughters and granddaughters awoke from their slumbers to greet another blessed day, started in on their chores until our cabins were sparkling clean (in the hopes of getting a Cabin Cake for the best chore scores at the end of the week), and scampered down to Tucker Inn for breakfast! Today we fondly call “Tuck ‘Er In Tuesday,” so we saw many girls tucking in their shirts into their shorts, which is just another example of the way this camp encourages girls to be girls.
Filled up with pancakes and bacon, we next headed to the chapel, past the lake, where we enjoyed a stunning view of the fog rising from the mountains. After singing worship songs such as the beloved “Banana Song” and “All in All,” counselor and knitting instructor Molly spoke about who we are as humans. We are God’s children and have a perfect Father in heaven, as shown here on Earth through the Holy Spirit. Molly read from Romans 8.
Intermittent rain greeted activities today, especially in the early morning and early afternoon, but this did not stop the girls from learning nor the staff from teaching. Activities that thrive in good weather tweaked their plans and locations: Swimming moved to the Mike (the gym), where they did fitness exercises; Climbing learned knots and climbed the wall inside of the Mike, which features a tricky overhang. Larkin S. says, “Even though this is my first year taking Climbing, I’m already close to getting my Bronze bar!” Prentice A. climbed the Traverse Wall, which climbers complete left to right instead of down to up! This is one of the requirements to get the Bronze bar.
When the weather cooperated, water activities on Lake Doris went swimmingly. Girls in Kayaking perfected their hip snaps for their T-rescues, which happen when a boat flips and another boat bumps into them to help get the flipped boat right-side-up again. Kayaking also played an enthusiastic game of Kayak Polo, which allowed the girls to practice their paddling strokes. Diving learned how to make their splashes smaller for smooth dives.
Everyone was famished by the time the bell rang for lunch, and mini corn dogs and macaroni and cheese were greeted with shouts of joy and quickly moving utensils. Tribe songs sung after lunch were especially loud, and the Choctaw tribe rejoiced after it was announced that they won last night’s evening activity, Inferno! Amazingly, they also won the Spirit Points for Inferno as well, signaling their ability to not only put out the other tribes’ fires (the goal of Inferno), but also cheer and demonstrate good sportsmanship at the same time.
After a much-needed rest period and time to get candy and beverages at Trading Post, afternoon activities continued on. In Pottery, Carter K. worked on the dinosaur she molded, and other budding potters worked on the wheels and painted their creations fresh from the kiln. Pottery is a brand-new activity for this year at Camps Merri-Mac and Timberlake, and it has become a quick favorite. Amy J. describes the joy of Pottery: “Pottery is more quiet and gives us the opportunity to create and express ourselves.”
In Camp Craft, girls such as Aidan B. participated in a funny game affectionately called “Poop School 101,” in which campers learn the proper way of disposing of their waste while in the woods – hey, it’s gotta happen sometime!Shelby M. and McKenzie M. battled it out in Fencing today after learning about right-of-way and proper parrying techniques.
Just up the hill in Archery, Chapel D. embraced her inner Katniss Everdeen and aimed her bow to the bullseye. She says that Archery is appealing and fun because it is “something that everyone is able to do.” Next, I walked by the kitchen and had to pop in because of the delicious smells wafting out. I had some of the egg cups that the girls made in Cooking today. They were absolutely delicious, and I know the girls are eager to share their new cooking skills with you at home – don’t forget all of the recipes learned in Cooking class are available on the website! You won’t want to pass by the opportunity to eat your daughters’ Camp Merri-Mac cookies, egg cups, or macaroni and cheese.
Just outside the kitchen, Sydney G. knit away on the pink blanket that she’s been working on for about a year! Knitting is a relaxing activity and allows for great fellowship and conversation as well as patience and creation. Speaking of relaxing, today’s Fitness classes broke up their usual ab workouts with some yoga moves.
Dinner this evening consisted of yummy lasagna, tortilla chips, and vegetables. The evening activity is a brand-new one for this year, and we are calling it “Color Wars: America Style.” It consists of red, white, and blue clothes, many,many American flags, and field day-style games. As I sit here writing this, I can hear “God Bless America” coming from a speaker somewhere outside and girls screaming and shouting for their respective American color/team. I am sure this new activity will be a great hit, and I can’t wait to hear about it later tonight.
Thank you for sharing your incredible girls with us for these few weeks, for we as staff learn just as much, if not more, from them as we hope they do from us.
Good night, and God bless America,
Maddy M.
Big Dipper Counselor
Guitar Instructor
Spirited Seminole