The day of the Princess Party

The day of the Princess Party
Good morning Merri-Mac! This morning at camp, the girls woke up excitedly, knowing that the Princess Party had finally arrived! They giggled happily about the upcoming event as they awaited the breakfast bell to finally ring, allowing the hungry girls to run into Tucker Inn. For breakfast, the girls enjoyed fresh eggs, hash-browns, and delicious biscuits before they headed off to chapel.
Throughout all of the activities at Merri-Mac, the instructors help these young girls to achieve goals and improve their skills. In Tennis today, the girls warmed up, did a short stretch, and then began working on their serves. The instructors continually worked with them, helping them perfect their tennis form. One thing that the kids really enjoy is making s’mores in Camp Craft. The girls had a competition on whose s’mores were the best. The winner of the competition was awarded with…..extra s’mores!! In Volleyball, they played a game called Dead Fish and Queen of the Court. The girls playing volleyball really get to experience a team sport and understand how important it is to work together for every player to be successful. They worked on serving to each other and passing the volleyball. The girls in Cooking today made delicious blueberry and peach pies served with vanilla ice-cream. In Dance, the girls went around camp and performed a choreographed dance routine for other activities. They were so excited to show everyone their beautiful dance skills. In Guitar, the instructors decided to honor “Throw-Back Thursday.” The campers learned how to play old chapel songs on the guitar and played them while the instructors helped them learn the lyrics. Chloe V. dedicated her time in guitar to learning new songs and practicing her chords. The girls in Archery worked really hard to perfect their accuracy during target practice. The girls’ main goal of the day was hitting a bullseye, a very difficult feat. In Kayaking, the girls played a fun game of water polo and worked on some of their skills. Camper Kristie G. decided spend most of her time in Kayaking to improving and perfecting her flips. On the other side of the dock, the Diving class was engaged in an intense “Moose” competition amongst the many talented divers. At the end of the game, Deborah Z. proudly walked away as the class’ 1st place winner! In Pottery today, everyone got to eat popcorn out of the bowls that they had previously made. It was so nice to see all the different types of bowls and all the designs and colors that each girl decided to put on their piece of art, exhibiting the wonderful individuality of each camper. At the end of class, the girls went around the room and discussed all the good things about their pottery and the things that they needed to improve on. They also told the class what they were planning on doing with their pottery. Some of the girls were going to use theirs as a snack dish, a tea cup, a soup bowl, and, of course, an ice-cream bowl. The girls who had Climbing today were able to challenge their new climbing skills on the Tower. They also worked on tying knots and perfecting their belaying techniques. The Fitness classes took their yoga mats outside and were able to enjoy a gorgeous view of the mountains by the Milky Way cabin as they conditioned. They worked on their abs by doing plank holds and leg lifts. In Riding, the girls were able to work on walking and trotting. Because the Princess Party was being set up all day in the Mike, the girls in Gymnastics were on the water front instead of the gymnastics center, allowing them to enjoy jumping on the famous blob into the lake. In Knitting, the girls worked on a variety of different things. Campers were making sweaters, scarves, oven mittens, and headbands. Caroline S. worked really hard on her multi-colored sweater, which she is almost finished knitting. Throughout her day of hard work, she continuously proclaimed that “The best time to wear a striped sweater is..all the time.” On this special day, Merri-Mac celebrated Melanie G’s 16th birthday. She was so excited to be given a beautiful cake with 16 candles on it.
As all of the campers finished their activities for the day, they rushed back to their cabins so that they could get showered and dressed for the Princess Party. Excitement ran high in the camp as everyone came to dinner looking absolutely beautiful with big smiles. All of the girls are anxiously waiting to see how amazing this Princess Party is going to be!
-Counselor Katie