5 Ways Camper-Staff Relationships are Developed
5 Ways Camper-Staff Relationships are Developed
One of the most prized elements of a camp is a top-notch staff. Staff members should be skilled in multiple areas, one of the most important being caring for campers.
Here are five opportunities counselors use to invest in campers:
1. Activities– Each day a counselor teaches four classes of activities. Whether it is canoeing, riflery, backpacking or knitting, the staff member has the ability to teach a particular skill to a set of campers. This is a time to invest in the camper’s learning. We want to our campers and staff to be life long learners, and camp creates this culture for us!
2. Meal times– Mealtime creates a unique opportunity where two staff have a small group of campers within reach for some good conversation. Meals often turn into round table discussions, where counselors have every camper answer one question such as “what has been your favorite activity of the day?” or “what do you think tonight’s evening activity will be?!”
3. Devotion– When all the dust settles from another day at camp counselors have the chance to lead a short devotion for their campers. This time each night allows staff to walk and grow with their campers. The stillness of these moments along with the safety of a camp environment allows campers to ask questions and learn more about Christianity.
4. Unstructured Times– We have built free time into our schedule to allow campers to increase their independence and have the chance to play tetherball, thunderball or splash in Tweedle Creek! However, these short moments of free time also allow counselors to spend quality time with a smaller group of campers.
5. Off-Season Communication– Counselors have the opportunity to keep in touch with campers a few ways throughout the year. During home shows we are able to see many of our campers face to face. Through our Facebook page and blog, we are able to keep campers up on what’s going on at camp in the off-season. We love getting to know campers throughout the year and then seeing them return to camp having grown each year
Written by Intern, Mary Kathryn Stewart