Merri Monday

Merri Monday
As soon as the bugle rang bright and early this morning, the girls had their feet on the floor ready to start the first full day of camp for this session. The smell of French toast and bacon filled the air as the girls headed in to breakfast this morning. The meal ended with fun morning songs such as “Hip Hooray” where all the girls have to circle the dining hall, and “Sippin’ Cider”. After breakfast, the girls ran to try and get a front row seat in chapel where we sang praises to Him, and Adam spoke about how God wants us to really mean it when we say we love him and that He wants to be our Father.
As activities started, I made my way around to find out what new and exciting things were happening around camp. Every class today started out with a get to know each other game and the safety talk. In riding, the girls were learning to canter around the ring and jump the small jumps. In riflery and archery, the girls learned the basics on how to shoot at a target. Down at the lake, canoeing was learning the strokes and basic parts of the paddle. Diving learned how to do tuck and straddles dive, and Rachel D got her roll in kayaking! When the bugle sounded for the end of second period, the girls played teather ball eagerly awaiting the infamous lunch of taco in a bag. The girls enjoyed warm chocolate chip cookies while they sang their tribal songs in preparation for the sock war coming tonight.
Rest “hour” was upon us, but only actually for 30 minutes. The campers sprinted to the Trading Post to indulge in their favorite candies and drinks. Afterwards, they headed to their afternoon activities. In pottery, the girls learned how to make a pinch pot, which can be made into a pot, mug, cup, or whatever else you can think of! In DIY crafts, the girls took cardstock and rubbed into shaving cream with food coloring mixed in. They then took a plastic knife and scraped off the shaving cream to see their beautifully marbled cardstock. In backpacking, the girls started to learn how to make a fire. As I continued down the hill, I could smell the sweet chocolate chip cookies being made in cookies. More cookies, crazy right? After their last class, the girls proceeded to get decked out in their tribal gear before dinner. As dinner began, the girls had a scrumptious meal of roasted porkloin, hasbrown casserole, and vegetables, which ended with jello cake. At the end of the meal, each cabin sang their cabin song with pride.
As I sit and write the article, I can hear the screams of each tribe charging the other as they run the camp in sock war. Sock war is just a huge game of capture the flag and you get tagged by getting a sock thrown at you; a camp favorite! Afterwards, the girls will have devotion in their cabin and be all snuggled up in bed for a good nights sleep after a long day. Stay tuned tomorrow to find out the winner of sock war!
Altogether, it was a great day at camp. The counselors are excited to get to know your girls and share all their knowledge for their class, but much more than that, their love of God. Thank you for sharing your daughter with us. We could not be happier to have them here at Camp Merri-Mac!
Sweet Dreams Merri-Mac!
Lauren Barbay
Tweedle Doe Counselor
Choctaw Tribe Dominates