A Fun-Filled Thursday!

A Fun-Filled Thursday!
Adam Boyd - July 28th 2016
On this Merri Thursday, we all woke up bright and early to the sound of reveille and the smell of strawberry-banana french toast sticks. After cleaning our cabins until they sparkled and eating our delicious breakfast, we headed up to the chapel where we sang from our hearts and listened to a true story about how God forgives us and we forgive others.
During first and second period, DIY worked on friendship bracelets, PAWS took the puppies for a walk, the climbing class climbed the traverse wall and the overhang, cooking made quiche, backpacking built a fire, the lake activities had a free swim, and the rest of the classes enjoyed their sunny afternoon with one another as well. At lunch, after we ate all the pizza, the evening activity was announced- it’s the Great Escape! We prepared ourselves for the eventful night by making the most of our rest time and taking naps.
Then, after rest time and trading post, more fun activities went on during third and fourth period. Pottery finished up their beautiful creations, and the waterfront was filled with refreshing classes splashing in the water.
For dinner we had barbecue and then we marched up to the White Feather ceremony. Now all the tribes are searching for clues in the Great Escape. Soon the girls will crawl back into bed for a good night’s sleep so they will be ready for tomorrow’s fun!
Audrey Ellis
Milky Way Counselor