Happy Valentine’s Day, Merri-Mac Girls!

Happy Valentine’s Day, Merri-Mac Girls!
Happy Valentine’s Day to all our Merri-Mac girls!
Today in our weekly staff meeting we mourned that we have all graduated from exchanging silly valentines day cards and candy. With this in mind, we began to personify Camp Merri-Mac and laugh about what her Valentines Day cards would say to all of you. We figured they would look something like this:
Dear Valentine…
“I’d walk up Senior Hill for you”
“I love you more than Lake Doris loves One Direction”
“I miss you more than S’more pockets”
“I love you like Ann Boyd loves the Tweedles”
“Me without you is like Bobby with sleeves”
“We go together like Adam and his headdress”
“I’ll run to you faster than Tweedles to tray-po”
“I’ll stick with you like S’mores and Tweedle’s hair”
“I love you more than Sunnyside loves rest hour”
“I love you even when your Chacos stink”
“My love for you is higher than The Shelter”
“I’ll love you for as long as the announcement song”
Lots of love from camp,