Staff Appreciation!

Staff Appreciation!
Today was a very special day at Merri-Mac, Staff Appreciation! The oldest girls, Dreams (15) and Sunnyside (16), celebrated staff, and learned a bit about what being on staff is like by taking on some extra responsibilities today. This morning they woke up before the bugle to don their borrowed staff shirts and wake up the campers in their assigned cabins for the day. This morning breakfast was a hardy meal of scrambled eggs, sausage, biscuits, and hash browns, perfect for providing steady energy throughout the morning!
Straight after we went to a wonderful chapel service, where we got to hear another “True Story” with Camp Director Adam Boyd. Soon after, classes commenced with the Dreams and Sunnysiders taking the lead in their chosen classes, serving as the primary instructors (with guidance from the real staff of course!) Staff Appreciation is a wonderful way for the older campers to not only get a taste of what it’s like being on staff, but also create strong and lasting bonds with younger girls.
The “staff” leaders of each activity were assigned because of their prowess in that particular class. In kayaking today, Elise S. instructed on the proper approach to a kayak roll, and in swimming Kate S., Emma J, and Eleanor D. helped their girls through important strokes and then led a fantastic game of Marco Polo. Teaching today allowed Kate S to earn her Gold in our Emergency Water Safety Class! Cooking today proved to be a popular class (they made chicken and waffles!) with various leaders throughout the day; the girls learned how to make perfect mini waffles and batter their own chicken. Close by in pottery the girls began glazing their wonderful creations, so they will be ready to go home with them on Friday. Their finished pieces have added a beautiful dash of color to our pottery room.
Tonight, the girls are attending Fine Arts Night, which classes such as dance, drama, and guitar have eagerly prepared for. It is a truly wonderful evening activity that allows girls who may not be as keen about running to exhibit their own talents. It is personally one of my favorite activities because I think it helps embody the spirit, humor, and dedication that is specific to Camp. Tonight we also have girls venturing out other own on Solo 13’s. These are overnight stays on the Tomahawk trail where the girls, all senior camp members, spend time quietly to learn a bit about themselves. Tonight the girls making the venture are Mary Raines A., Idalia de B, Kathryn N., Shelby C., Avery S., and Cameron P.
Now, I just want to make a note to all of the parents out there reading this, It was really amazing getting to walk around and see your girls in action today. To all the parents of our Dreams and Sunnyside girls, They all filled their role of teacher beautifully. They were kind and patient and very good examples of the quiet leadership we treasure here at Camp. And to the parents of the younger girls, each of your girls is a light, and they make each day at camp brighter for all of us on staff. Thank You for sharing your girls with us this summer!
Marley Davis
Proud Iroquois