Merry Christmas Camp Merri-Mac!  Girls woke up late this morning to the sound of jingle bells as Christmas donuts and hot chocolate were delivered to their cabins. Still in their pajamas, they sang and danced to Christmas songs and enjoyed breakfast with their friends. Then, off to the chapel! The girls sang classic Christmas carols and listened to Adam as he read The Velveteen Rabbit, learning why Jesus’s birth is so important.

Today was another day filled with some awesome classes! In cooking, girls made yummy milkshakes and Chex Mix. In pottery, they worked hard glazing their pieces. In DIY crafts, they finished up their dream catchers and created some beautiful picture frames. The horseback riders look their horses out of the barn and trotted around camp. The puppies learned to “shake” and were rewarded with plenty of treats and cuddles. In backpacking, the girls had fun on the high ropes course. All day long, they gained skill and knowledge in their classes, worked on their bars, and built friendships with other campers.

Girls enjoyed a delicious lunch of turkey, dressing, peas, mash potatoes and gravy, and got a sweet surprise of peach cobbler for dessert. They continued spreading their Christmas cheer by singing loud for all to hear at lunch. After rest hour, campers rushed down to Tray Po to eat some treats and play with camp friends.

The girls enjoyed breakfast for dinner tonight. They chowed down on some orange muffin cake, eggs, bacon, hash browns, and biscuits. After dinner, campers competed in Christmas sock war. They dressed in red or green and tried to grab the other team’s flag and bring it back to their base. And the cherry on top of the day was the colorful firework show the girls enjoyed before bed. Sleep tight Merri-Mac!


From This Haven,
Mattie Cox