Twas’ the day before “Christmas”

Twas’ the day before “Christmas”
Girls awoke to a refreshing chill in the air, as they sprung to their feet to begin their day’s adventures! Our day began with a hearty breakfast of scrambled eggs, sausage, biscuits, and assorted cereals and fruits! After fueling up, they headed off to chapel for songs of praise and an awesome talk about how Jesus takes our attempts to hide our imperfections and heals our hearts to gain confidence, by our very own Anna M. It was a great addition to our current discussion about who Jesus is.
Beautiful Mondays also call for water skiing trips! Gabrielle G., Jessica K., Sutton N., Sonny W., Mackenzie S., and Jane K. got to experience an incredible day out on the water of Lake James! The Solo 13 and backpacking crews that camped out away from camp last night returned safely this afternoon and had many exciting stories to tell of their adventures!
It was an exciting day of “firsts” for many campers today as some experienced swamping canoes, doing tricks in kayaking, blobbing on Lake Doris, making homemade chex-mix and milkshakes in cooking, and more! The horseback riding classes were able to go on a trail ride throughout the camp property, and I think the horses loved it as much as the girls did! Speaking of animals, our puppies in PAWS class are now learning how to shake. It is the sweetest thing to watch these girls experience how to teach these precious pups!
In between all of these exciting classes, our girls were able to reenergize with a camp favorite lunch of Stromboli, followed by rest time and of course trading post where they get to pick out yummy treats for a midday snack! Their faces light up each day as they run as fast as possible to be able to get candy of their choice. The afternoon included more class activities, and some super exciting news: tonight is Christmas Eve! The dining hall was filled with cheer as the girls found out what the next 24 hours would hold! Tonight will involve the staff stuffing stockings and caroling for each cabin as the younger girls are “babysat” by the older girls!
We are so excited for Christmas tomorrow, and cannot wait to tell everyone all about it!
Merry Christmas Eve to all, and to all a good night!
From this haven,
Mills T.
Tweedle Dot counselor