Staff Appreciation Day!
Staff Appreciation Day!
Today in the merry mountains of camp, campers woke up to a day called Staff Appreciation. On this special day, the oldest campers and the counselors switch roles. The campers ate breakfast with their substitute counselors for the day, which included french toast and bacon. After that, the campers attended chapel and sang songs such as Reckless Love and then heard a short sermon given by the director, Adam Boyd. After chapel and some free time at the cabin, the girls all dashed to their first two activities of the day.
In archery, Quinn S. practiced her firing skills by aiming precisely for the target, while some other girls helped move the target, picked up bows, or waited patiently on the bench for more available slots. Other activities that the girls might attend include horseback riding, knitting, cooking, PAWS, DIY, and many more. All the activities give the girls a chance to work on something they are passionate about. Some girls also work on bars, which are rankings that enable the girls to have goals in their activities and set them higher in standard. A couple girls that earned their silver bars in soccer this morning were Sylvia B. and Trista R.
After morning activities, the girls went to lunch and enjoyed Stromboli. The staff also announced that Christmas Eve is tonight, which means a whole day of Christmas tomorrow and fun evening activities after dinner including carols and stockings! After lunch was a thirty minute rest period and after that, the girls all ran to Trading Post at the sound of the bugle. Trading post is a candy store for the children that they can use their blue trading post cards to receive one or two pieces of candy if they choose. Every girl loves this time and many Tweedles (aka the youngest campers) enjoyed their ring pops which turned their entire tongue and lips blue. Emma V. enjoyed her ring pop while sitting with some friends on the Tweedle porch. Kate O. also enjoyed playing tetherball with her friend during free time, a popular pastime sport for all campers.
Finally, the girls went off to their third and fourth periods. Kate K. said that she really enjoys fencing and that it is one of her favorite activities here at camp Merri-Mac. Today at cooking the girls made Christmas pasta which included green pesto, red marinara sauce, and garlic bread. Girls were also found reading at summer reading, making pottery, doing fitness and yoga activities, mountain biking, dancing, and doing gymnastics as well as many other fun activities. After those activities was dinner-pasta, vegetables, and rolls. Finally to end the night, the girls all scurried off to bed for crafts while the staff went caroling in the cabins with candle lights. When the campers wake up in the morning they will awaken to a Merry Christmas morning, but as for now, Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!
Hannah Luke
Little Dipper Counselor ’18