What Does an Intern Do?

What Does an Intern Do?
You might be wondering what happens here in the off-season, and we love to keep you updated on all things camp-related! This looks a little bit different for each of us, so I’ll share what it looks like to be a camp intern.
My job as an intern changes often, but my priorities are consistent. Here are a few of the main ones!
Help with transitions from summer to the off-season.
This includes helping with some Black Mountain Expedition Retreats, cleaning up our summer offices and other spaces, and planning Adam’s fall trips, where he comes to visit camp families and meet prospective campers!
Staff hiring.
This is a big part of my job, and probably my favorite part so far! We have a lot of staff here at camp, including counselors, expedition staff, and other important staff members. My job is to interview our returning staff and meet and interview potential new staff members. I love getting the chance to catch up with people who worked this past summer, and it’s exciting to get to meet some potential first year staff members!
Camper recruitment.
This is one priority that is spread among all members of our team in different ways. For us interns, we help plan Adam’s travels to visit you and to meet your friends who should come to camp too! We also work on gaining interest in our adventure trips, which happen in December and are amazing opportunities to gain skill and have the experience of a lifetime!
Camper development.
This can vary, but at the moment, camper development looks like running our social media- both instagram and facebook (and the occasional blog post!). We also spend time writing birthday notes to our campers and connecting with parents about any questions they may have regarding their campers.
Staff development and support.
Keeping in touch with staff is another fun part of this job. We love our staff and appreciate the ways they serve here at camp, and connecting with them and supporting them throughout the year is important to us! This part of the job also includes planning for our activities and thinking about how we can continue to improve in what we do here at camp!
This looks like a lot, and it can be, but this is what makes working for camp full-time fun! The best part about this job is doing the behind the scenes pieces that make camp function the way we know. Sarah Kate and I both had the experience of being campers, CITs, counselors, and program staff, and it’s the best experience to continue seeing all that goes into a summer at Merri-Mac!
Happy camping,
Libby Robinson