Come Rain or Shine!

Come Rain or Shine!
As the sun rose over the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains, another spectacular morning began at Merri-Mac! The bugle rang at 7am, and girls excitedly cleaned their cabins and hurried down to eat a delicious breakfast of scrambled eggs, fruit, and biscuits. Shout-out to cabin Tweedle Dum for getting a perfect 10 cabin score! As we overlooked lovely Lake Doris, campers and staff sang along to “The Banana Song,” “Good Good Father,” and “Father, I Adore You” in Chapel. The message was led by counselor Samantha R. who read from Philippians 2:12 and told a personal story reflecting God’s constant presence in every day and every moment of our lives.
Today a rafting trip went out with Grace A., Virginia D., Rainey F., Caroline F., Hayley F., Anna G., Madison K., Kiera L., Annalee P., Mary Elizabeth S., and Sarah W. Day two of classes started with a bang (and a bit of a drizzle!) as girls started their schedules for the second daily rotation. Fitness classes were cheered on around camp as they completed an obstacle course around property! They were met with thunderous applause from campers and staff as they reached each marker – we love to celebrate exceptionally hard work and dedication! The dock was full of smiles, songs, and splashes as music played and diving, swimming, kayaking and canoeing classes filled Lake Doris. Guitar classes learned to play some favorite chapel songs while Dance trained at the ballet barre. The sweet puppies at PAWS were as friendly and frisky as ever while our more relaxing classes, Yoga and Knitting, practiced postures and made colorful coasters.
Lunch was a favorite combination of chicken wraps, fruit, and waffle fries. Tribal cheers filled the dining hall as girls at both lunch rotations shouted songs of pride for the Choctaw, Iroquois, and Seminole (while wearing their buffs of course)! We also sang Happy Birthday to Brooke B.! Evening Activities Director Molly Kathryn C. announced last night’s winner of BattleBall, BattleBall Spirit Points, Sock War and Sock War Spirit Points! The winner of BattleBall was Iroquois, BattleBall Spirit Points went to the Choctaw, and Sock War AND Sock War Spirit Points went to the Seminoles!! It was a celebratory day for everyone!
Tonight’s evening activities will be split between 3 different age groups, as the youngest girls will be participating in a Spelling Bee and Storytelling Competition, Intermediate camp will be playing a new game, Extreme Bingo, and Senior camp will have an intense evening of BattleBall! Rest hour provided some lovely quiet time for girls to write letters home, read new books and re-read old favorites, make friendship bracelets, and enjoy a moment of reflection. The CITs delivered trading post to all cabins as a wonderful afternoon snack! The mountain mist continued through the afternoon, but that didn’t stop our girls from making the most of every moment! Girls enjoyed fellowship and fun in Summer Reading, as Hayden M. read Word of Mouse, Pierce M. and Marley G. read Frindle, and Jillian G. read The Kicks. Pottery classes made adorable fairy houses out of clay, and Backpacking learned the importance of “Leave No Trace” and tying basic knots. After a full day of activities, girls enjoyed meatloaf with vegetables for dinner, along with ice cream for dessert! Campers and Staff are currently headed to evening activity, anxiously awaiting to see which tribe will take home the win.
In all my years of camping, this summer is by far the most unique. However, I firmly believe that this is also the most important summer that we will ever experience at camp. After many months of uncertainty, it is a joy to see girls growing and experiencing the gospel through friends and adventure. Rest assured that your sweet girls are safe, healthy, and so very loved. Thank you for sharing them with us, their impact on this beautiful place will last a lifetime.
From this Haven,
Anne Dillon Loflin
Proud Choctaw
11th Summer at Merri-Mac
Tweedle Dum Counselor