Sunday is typically a more relaxed day at camp, with a similar schedule each time. Today, we are trying new things!


Growth through friends and adventure is a huge part of camp; it is our mission after all. Today, each camper has experienced a piece of this. We started of the morning with a bit of extra sleep (this was a highlight for Rachel B.) and cinnamon rolls in the Tucker Inn. After cabin clean up, we gathered for a sunny morning at the chapel. Caroline M. and Grace M. shared a beautiful cello duet with us. Sundrop led our message this morning with a reading reenactment.


After chapel, girls were off to activities! Each cabin area had the chance to try riflery, archery, climbing and some even tried airsoft! Seeing girls try activities that were new to them, even after several summers at camp, was a new sense of adventure around Merri-Mac! Each cabin area had the chance to free swim today and I have never seen the blob so active. There were campers jumping, blobbing, diving, free swimming and kayaking! Emily B. got her roll in kayaking this morning!


More so than other sessions this summer, campers have loved testing for bars. Seeing them advance in their skills is huge and nothing beats the smile on a campers face when her gold bar is announced at lunch. A few girls got to work during activities and continued working towards earning their bars — Sarah B. got her gold in lacrosse and Caroline S. got her gold in drama. It was a big day for volleyball, Eliza N. got her gold while Amelia M., Reid T., and Madge M. all got their silver! Sophia Celina B. is also pretty proud of her bronze in climbing; she learned a lot of different knots to get it.


It was a big day for rafting. With two shuttles running, double the amount of girls went out today! Lily H., Eva D., Karlin S., Caroline L., Maia K., Molly F., Betsy VC., Ava W., Ella M., Maclaren M.,  Grace N., Kate Y., Mary Clairborne W., Alexandra D., Wynn E.,. Pierce M., Gabrielle G., Lucy G., Bailey M., and Lucy M.


The Robin worked on skits and also loved making icecream sundays in the cooking kitchen. Tweedle Dee, Tweedle Doe, Tweedle Dum, Tweedle Dot and Happy Hollow had one giant slip ‘n’ slide party!


Overall, it was a Sunday filled with new and familiar things! Everyone is wrapping up their pizza picnics and headed up to watch vespers. We’re enjoying these last few days of summer while we still can!


Happy camping!

Andrea Pelham

Assistant Director