Tea Parties & Water Slides!

Tea Parties & Water Slides!
Campers headed down to the Tucker Inn this beautiful Wednesday morning for a breakfast of baked oatmeal and coffee cake, a Merri-Mac favorite! After singing songs in the Tucker Inn, songs including “Reckless Love” were sung at chapel. Adam Kepke spoke about keeping an active relationship with God and how that relationship will grow when we are truly invested in Him, relating it to his experience being on the swim team and being in the pool versus being a lifeguard and just watching the pool.
After chapel and tribe meetings, morning activities began, where at Lake Doris, kayaking practiced T-rescues and campers swam and had a blast on the blob! Campers shot bullseyes in both archery and riflery, completing groupings needed for their bars in the activities. Cheer worked on flips and routines, and pottery glazed the pieces that they have worked hard on.
Back in the Tucker Inn, lunch was an all-time favorite… pizza! But, something else was happening at lunch– a Merri-Mac vs. Timberlake pickleball tournament! Campers from both Merri-Mac and Timberlake competed in the favorite sport of the summer to win the competition. After lunch and a relaxing rest time, campers bounded down to the Trading Post for their favorite afternoon snacks, playing tetherball and gaga ball in their free time. Also at free time, several girls attempted and succeeded in creating a campfire with one match in order to earn a mark towards their White Feather promotions.
Next in afternoon activities, girls enjoyed a tea party in cooking with hot tea, chocolate chip scones, and mini pumpkin donuts. Nearby, fencing took place, featuring bouts between campers on the fencing strip. DIY Crafts in the Enchanted Barn created Merri-Mac-themed postcards to send home.
Before dinner, campers gathered on the back green, a favorite meeting place for all where the birds chirped and laughter and conversation filled the green. Dinner tonight was pork carnitas with brown rice, corn, and black beans– a great meal!
After dinner, tonight’s evening activity took place: The Amazing Race! In this relay race, each tribe completes tasks such as swimming, running, singing, archery, backpacking, and diving. The chiefs of each tribe end the race by sliding down the slip-n-slide with their tribe’s flag in hand.
After the evening activity, cabins will have their own post-evening activities, where Cloud Nine may be found raiding the Trading Post for a late-night snack as well as Little Dipper sliding down the slip-n-slide! As they get ready for bed, campers are looking forward to an exciting day tomorrow including Sunnyside Chapel, Final Campfire, and Lakeside ceremonies.
Glynes Hill
Cloud Nine counselor