Today was another beautiful day at Camp Merri-Mac!


We woke up to a delicious breakfast of French Toast (the same recipe that our cooking classes use!) and then headed to chapel. 

After chapel, campers headed to classes. This was the first day in their second round of classes! Kayaking learned how to wet-exit, drama played acting games and learned how to project, and basketball worked on passes. Everyone did introductions so that they could get to know everyone in their activities and meet new friends.

For lunch, we enjoyed a camp favorite — Pizza! Maddie announced that the winner of Tribal Trivia (yesterday’s evening activity) is GOLDEN EAGLE!!


During rest time, we got the perfect afternoon rain storm. It cleared up just in time to head to trading post and free time. After free time, the fun continued in activities! Canoeing learned strokes, Pickleball played in pairs, and Studio Fitness ran the camp loop. 

We took the camp photo and for dinner, we enjoyed brisket, potatoe wedges and corn pudding.

We ended our day with a game of Great Escape, where tribes form teams and complete various tasks around camp to get clues and solve a riddle. GOLDEN EAGLE was the first solved the puzzle and found the hidden flag!!  

All in all, another fabulous day here at Merri-Mac. 


From this haven,

Ansley (counselor in Tweedle Dee)