Christmas Eve at Merri-Mac!

Christmas Eve at Merri-Mac!
Today, campers awoke to a delicious pancake breakfast, kicking off a day full of surprises and fun! After breakfast, we gathered in chapel to hear a message about God’s plan for our lives. Campers learned that while we often make our own plans, God’s plans for us are even greater. By choosing to follow His path, we will be blessed and experience His goodness.
Following chapel, the campers eagerly headed to their daily activities. Some embarked on exciting trips including kayaking, canoeing, backpacking, trail running, and mountain biking. Whether they were learning new skills or adventuring in the great outdoors, all the girls had an absolute blast.
During our tasty quesadilla lunch, the evening activity was revealed. The campers were initially told we’d be playing battle ball, but during 4th period, they discovered we were actually celebrating Christmas Eve! The excitement was evident as everyone rushed to put on their Christmas pajamas, Santa hats, and festive sweaters.
We sang Christmas carols and indulged in delicious brownies. After dinner, the festivities continued with a Christmas tree-making contest, where each cabin received a Sunnyside camper who was decorated as a Christmas tree, using paper, paint, clothes and other materials. Meanwhile, the counselors spread holiday cheer, singing carols as they visited each cabin. They will be filling Christmas stockings for the next morning as well!
What a fun and exciting day it has been! The girls are buzzing with anticipation for tomorrow, Christmas morning!
Merry Christmas to all,
Brittin Brown
Jiggity Jog Counselor