Our day started bright and early at 7am. We didn’t mind waking up early because we were so excited to start the first day of activities of second session! We cleaned up our cabins and headed down the hill for a delicious breakfast of eggs, potatoes, and biscuits. After singing some silly songs to end breakfast, we headed up to chapel where we sang some more and listened to a story from Will about who God is.

Then we finally got to go to our activities! After a quick safety talk, we jumped right into swimming in Lake Doris, tumbling in gymnastics, shooting in riflery, baking brownies in cooking, and making stools in DIY crafts!

After our first two activities, we headed down the hill for lunch and enjoyed a Greek Day spread, a crowd favorite here at camp! Then we sang cheers with our tribes for the first time and rushed outside to find the buried hatchet.

We dig up the hatchet on the first day of each session to symbolize the start of tribal competition. Legend has it, the tribe that finds the hatchet will win the banner! Today the Black Bears dug it up, but the Red Wolves and the Golden Eagles will surely bring their A-game all session long to try and beat them!

Then we headed back to our cabins for a much needed rest hour and enjoyed treats from the trading post and free time with our friends! We went to two more activities and got out early to take the all camp photo and quickly changed into our tribe jerseys for dinner and our first tribe game of the session…BASE JUMPING!!!!

During base jumping, campers act as spies for their tribe transporting secret messages (which are slips of paper) to bases all around camp. It sounds easy, but they have to dodge the counselors who are stingers and take points away from their tribes! Everyone had so much fun competing and we can’t wait to find out who won tomorrow!

After evening activity, we spent some quality time with our cabins before heading to bed to get some rest before we do it all again tomorrow!

We’re having so much fun settling into camp and making so many new friends. We can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings!

From this haven,

Maddie Lemmon

Evening Activity and Cabin Area Director