We can’t wait until summer!

We can’t wait until summer!
IMAGE CAPTION – Those hazy, crazy days of summer!
Dear Merri-Mac Girls,
I know it feels like winter but in just three months our first counselors will roll into camp to
begin Training Week! With that in mind we’re ramping up our new construction projects and putting
the finishing touches on our clothing orders. New hoodies and new colors for crocs are just a
couple of the things you can look forward to.
Many of you recently got an email with the contact information from everyone in your cabin last
summer. If you did not get one, it’s because we do not know your address, so be sure to click on
the “tell us” tab below and give us your email address so we can keep you posted in the future.
Don’t forget to include your name and a note letting us know what you are up to.
From the Campers:
Sam L. wrote in telling us her address and saying hello to everyone. Also, Cameron L. says, “I
love Merri-Mac more than milk and cookies….and I LOVE milk and cookies. I miss it right now, but I
know that it is almost here. Can’t wait to see everyone!”
From The Staff:
Becca S. wrote to say, ” I ate lunch in Black Mountain on Saturday and then drove through camp in
the snow! It was very beautiful and I’m very excited for the coming summer! Other than that, it’s
been a lot of work preparing for exams. Only 60 something days left of school! Score!” Melissa L.
is teaching 6th grade Language Arts and loving it. She is also headed to NC soon to present her
thesis at UNC. Good luck Melissa! Finally Allison M. wrote saying, “I saw some pictures of
Merri-Mac covered in snow and it’s so pretty. It made me really miss camp…It was the most amazing
3 months of my life and I think about it every day… Merri-Mac is buried in my heart and it keeps
calling me back.”
See You at Camp!
Adam and Ann