From This Haven

From This Haven
IMAGE CAPTION – friendships so true!
Dear Merri-Mac Girls,
The Camper Packets are being put on line today! It’s like the Puxatoni Phil not seeing his
shadow, a sure sign that summer is just around the corner. We’re also hearing from a lot of
campers and staff who are getting together for pre-camp reunions. UGA has been a hot spot for staff
get togethers, but the most recent is New Orleans where Ann A. ran into Emily C. on the plane on her
way to visit all the New Orleans girls. Ann also shared the pictures of Gibbs wearing her Mardi
Gras crown. She is the Queen of her Parish, which makes a lot of sense to us! Note the Merri-Mac charm that she had added!
From the Campers:
Connie P. wrote to say she loves hearing from her camp friends, so drop her an email. Ann G.
says, “I am beyond excited because I am coming back again this summer for FIVE WEEKS!!!! Jill can
only come for three weeks but that’s okay. I CAN’T WAIT to see everyone and everything!!!” Melinda
R. shares, “Every day camp gets closer! I am so excited! This year has been great: I made the
middle-school volleyball team and it’s so much fun! I also want to say Congrats to Vanessa, miss
you! I’m counting down the days until Camp! Finally, Grace R. is counting down the days. “I was
looking at camp pictures from this summer and it made me miss camp so much more! This is going to be
an amazing summer! Also, I have been given the chance to try out for the United States Rowing
Development Camp!!! I hope that everyone is doing great and I can’t wait to see everyone this
From The Staff:
Kate S. wanted to share a short note saying, “Becca and I took a drive around camp in the snow
while on our way to Bristol for college visits. Adam, my hair is now one very natural color. And I’m
getting ready to take the ACTs and SATs the first week of April. Wish me luck and see you this
summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Maggie’s looking forward to another summer in Sunnyside. She shares, “Life
is going pretty good here. Just trying to keep up with school work and my social life of course. I’m
extremely excited that my friend Jennifer is joining us on staff! She is amazing! I’m going on a
mission trip over spring break to Mississippi to do hurricane relief work. This is the 3rd trip for
the BSU and my 2nd trip. I’m soo excited to go!! I love being able to help out. I hope all is well
at wonderful Merri-Mac! Finally, Trace has had a big winter. ” I just got married, and graduated!
My husband Jay is now in Seminary and we are having lots of fun diving into what we believe as
Christians. I miss camp so much. I can’t wait to see it again! My heart beats for the taste of the
Kingdom I received at Merri-Mac last summer… and I can’t wait to find a full time position in
youth leadership or mentoring! I miss everyone and pray you are all well.”
Let us know what you are up to by clicking on the What’s New link below this article.
Great Camping!
Adam and Ann