IMAGE CAPTION – having fun at Merri-Mac

Oh the days are flying by here in Black Mountain, and the property is buzzing with action! But

that is not the only thing buzzing with action. It appears the Merri-Mac bulletin board is ablaze

with excited campers and counselors! Here are some highlights: I just read something about Webby

having dreadlocks,Vanessa said the word “plethera”, and there was talk of bugle noises. So I

recommend you all to go ahead and log-in if you haven’t. To me, just seeing the way you girls talk

about how much you look forward to camp is amazing! And we think that you all are amazing as well!

After all… you ARE camp. So keep on keeping on girls.

What about the counselors?

We officially have an amazing gymnastics program lined up for the summer with the addition of two

new counselors, Sierra Ulrich from Ole Miss (friends with Vanessa Hayes) and Jessica Brantley

(friends with Stephanie Conley). These girls are super talented and super cool! We can’t wait to

have them here.

Until next time!
