Merry Christmas from Merri-Mac!

Merry Christmas from Merri-Mac!
IMAGE CAPTION – Merri-Mac – First, Last and Always!
Dear Merri-Mac Girls,
We’ve been out on the road visiting old counselors and meeting new ones. We’re also overseeing several building projects at camp. Today the builders are tearing out the swim docks. Don’t worry, we’ll have new docks in place and the lake re-filled long before you get here!
From the Staff:
Katy Robb met Louis and Adam for lunch the other day at NC state, and Jenna Colie and Lenon Dodson both made recent visits to camp. Marilyn Zapf is designing our new early enrollment charms. Send us an email and we’ll pass along any ideas you might have on to her. Maggie wrote in to say, “I’m super excited that I’ll be back at camp this summer. I seriously couldn’t imagine my summer without it and it’s great that God worked it out for me to be there! I miss you girls and I hope these 6 months fly by!” Victoria R. also dropped us a line. “Hey guys! I love, miss you all like crazy. Sometimes I’ll catch myself singing songs or saying certain things that I know I would only say at camp. I’ve just taken the SAT’s!!!! Oh my goodness, it was long and boring. I can’t wait to be a KG next summer. Love you.”
Camper Corner:
We’ve heard from a couple of you, but we’d love to hear from more. Click on “What’s New?” to send an email, and be sure to include your name. Delia K. wrote to say, “I miss everyone at camp so much–especially those from Little Dipper! I will be checking to see pictures of you guys next summer and others in the future! I love you all!!!” Also Meg M. wrote to say, “I am now riding at a place called Lachaln and I love it there. The instructer there just had a baby girl, kinda weird huh? And I will inform you all, SEMINOLE TRIBE IS THE BEST! and I WILL be going to camp next year…thank-you very much!” We should also mention that Mary Page B. made her middle school basketball team and makes her parents proud every game!
Actually, we’re kind of proud of all of our campers; we even brag about you sometimes!
Merry Christmas!
Adam and Ann