A wintry wonderland at Merri-Mac!

A wintry wonderland at Merri-Mac!
IMAGE CAPTION – Friendships True!
Good Morning All You Merri-Mac Girls!
We’re back on the road, this time recruiting new counselors. There are not a lot of spots left though because so many are returning. Our most recent bit of good news is that Brooke B. will be back in the barn this summer and Elizabeth H. may be back on the docks teaching diving! Speaking of the docks, they’ve started rebuilding the swimming docks, and while it’s pretty cold here, and snow is coming today, it’s hard not to imagine how much fun we’ll have on the new dock.
From The Camppers:
Rachel S. wrote to say, “My year is going great so far. I can’t wait for camp this year. Merri-Mac: First, Last and Always. See you this summer.” Anne G. sends her greetings: “Hi guys! I don’t have school today because it’s MLK Day…I got to sleep in and watch movies with my friends instead of school. I can’t wait until summer, and everything’s so hot in Atlanta that I keep thinking camp is sooner than it is. Still, only six(ish) more months! I am soooo excited about being in Dreams End (I can’t believe how old that sounds). This summer is going to be the best summer ever!!!” Finally, Shannon D. wrote to say, “I hope everyone up there had a great Christmas. I’m happy that I got the gift of coming back to Merri-Mac next year, which I personally think is “the most wonderful time of the year.” Also, thank you SO much for sending the Merii-Mac sweatshirt! I love it so much, and the Merri- Mac Christmas card. I hope everyone is well up there. Tell everybody HI.”
Great Camping!
Adam and Ann