Camp Merri-Mac…

Camp Merri-Mac…
IMAGE CAPTION – We will always love you!
Good Morning All You Merri-Mac Girls!
The best part of Christmas, and Christmas break especially, is that we get to see so many friends. We’re still a couple weeks away and it’s already happening. Our favorite visit of the week was from Amelia K. and her mother. They spent Sunday with us looking through all the old Merri-Mac memorabilia and took a lot of it home so they can start a Merri-Mac scrapbook. If you get to visit Amelia this winter she’ll have lots of great stuff to show you. Otherwise we’ll look forward to seeing what they do this summer. So…if you have any old photos, camp memorabilia, etc. please scan them and send them on. We’ll see if we can make them part of the lasting story of Merri-Mac.
Louis also got to see Abigail J. at an Ole Miss/ LSU game. We included a picure of Abigail and her family with Louis at the game. They had a great time together and Abigail says she is looking forward to being in Comet this summer.
Shannon D. wrote to say, “Well it’s getting pretty cold up here at school in the Ohio Valley. I’m excited to go home to the warm for Christmas break. I absolutely love Christmas, but it means exam time. NOT FUN. But I am super excited for camp next year! I mean who doesn’t like having Christmas twice a year; once with your family, and another time in the summer with your best friends from camp!” We also heard from Caroline D. “Hey guys! Things are going great down here in Florida. My soccer team is undefeated! We’ve played every team once so now there all after us. School is good, a lot of work though. I can’t wait until camp, I’m so camp sick!!!! Miss you all!” Finally, Kate M. wrote, “So I was on the phone with Sam and Gibbs today and I realized how much I miss everyone!! Camp really is the most amazing place in the world and I take it for granted every time I’m there… So many people ask me what’s so great about being away from friends for 5 weeks during the summer when I could be at the beach soaking up the sun and all I can ever say is, “You wouldn’t understand… it’s a camp thing!” That’s okay Kate, we understand!
From this Haven!
Adam and Ann