IMAGE CAPTION – but we’re pining for summer!

It has finally gotten cold at camp and we are hoping for a little more snow this year. Maybe

we’ll even get some for the upcoming staff reunion after Christmas. Either way it is sure to be a

cold visit for the staff coming. It’s funny that when things get cold people start thinking about

camp. We’ve heard from a lot of you but our favorite bit of news is that both Brie Owens and Anna

Woodson both signed up to be back on staff this summer.

From The mail bag

Sammy G. wrote to say, “I’m totally camp sick! I made my school soccer team so I’m pretty excited

about that! I can’t wait any longer for camp to start back up again in the summer, but we still

have like 7 more months! UGH! Well, I can’t wait till then!” Emily M. feels the same way. “I am SO

camp sick! I am on the computer at school every morning watching videos, reading smoke signals. I

wish it were summer already! I’m counting the days!” Meg M. picked up on the same theme. “I’m so

camp sick already, my friends are already annoyed with all my talk about Merri-Mac! Our volleyball

season ended about a month and a half ago but I made a travel team which will start soon and I’m

playing lacrosse. I miss everyone so much; I can’t wait till this summer.” Finally, Lee B. chimed

in saying, “I have been talking like crazy with all of my Seminole girls about this summer! I have

seriously been waiting for this all my life and it’s going to be the best ever. You all are always

in my thoughts and I miss you so much! I am so jealous that some of you live near camp and get to

visit! I have been having lots of dreams about camp and it’s making me so sad! I am totally

camp-sick! My life is going well, I am so busy with school and getting ready for track and lacrosse

seasons but I am loving it! Its already really cold up here in Connecticut, I am so jealous of all

my southern girls! Well, I love camp and all of you girls so much! There isn’t a day that goes by

that I don’t wish I could fast forward and be with all of you!”

We feel the same way!

From this Haven…

Adam and Ann