Melting away into Spring at Merri-Mac!
Melting away into Spring at Merri-Mac!
It is hard to believe that we’re just four months away from camp when there is so much left to
do. We are about to put up the camper packets and they will include something very exciting.
Specifically, we’ll have lots of new clothing and the best part is that it was all designed by Katy
Robb. We’ll put pictures on the web soon, but for now you will have to trust us when we say
“Fashions by Katy” are going to be a big hit at camp. In other news, Claire Kelly is on the road
recruiting staff. After a trip seeing old staff in LA and MS, she has headed to App. State to see
Anne Archer and Sarah Hord.
From the Mailbag:
We moved our web site recently and I am sorry to say that some of your email was lost in the
shuffle. If you wrote last week, please send it again. From those we got we have word that, Kelly
J. is camp sick. “Lee B and I are going to visit Olivia O in Naples March 6th-8th! It’s her sweet
16! Last weekend I had my own sweet 16 party too! We are so excited to see Olivia! We have been
talking back and forth like crazy about our upcoming year in Sunnnyside and the SEMINOLES! I don’t
think anyone understands just how excited we are… it’s kind of insane. Oh and I recently joined a
youth group where I live! It’s so great being able to talk about God with teens my age again (like
at camp)… Coming to camp has literally changed my life and I would not be the person I am today
without camp. I can’t WAIT for this summer, even though it’s my last. I really want to be a
counselor though so it’s not over yet!! I love all of my Merri-Mac sisters And miss all of you like
crazy!” Finally, Cameron L. wrote to say, “Gee willikers I need camp asap. I figure I speak for
everyone when I say I have been day dreaming and night dreaming all about the glistening Lake Doris,
some friendly tribal competition (synonym of– IROQUOIS DOMINATION), binging on delicious trading
post goodies, and laughing with my best friends in the whole wide world 24/7 in just 100 days.
Hoorah!School has been terrific. Not too many fascinating things to say about it I just can t wait
for spring to come because the snow will melt and WAZAAM summer will be right around the corner.
I’ll be on spring break in just about a week, meaning constant time with Ally H., Kate M., and
Brianna D. Hope everyone has fabulous vacation time! Can’t wait to see your smiling faces mega soon.
You’re in my prayers, heart, and dreams!”
We know how you feel!
Great Camping!
Adam and Ann