Staff Reunion
Staff Reunion
Between Christmas and New Year’s we had a great staff reunion. All of the girl’s slept over at Anne Archer’s house (next to the fencing pavilion) and there were so many people there that there were Merri-Mac counselors sleeping on almost every inch of the house (even the kitchen floor!). Lots of quality hang out time was spent together, we went into Asheville to get coffee, and we even had a white elephant gift exchange at the Boyd’s house!
It was amazing to catch up with folks from the summer. I was reminded again of just how blessed we are to have such a great group of people surrounding camp.
We even had an appearance from “Virtual Dave” at the Staff reunion. It was nice to see her wandering around the party on Brie’s Ipad. Very nice touch, Dave!
It is hard to believe that camp is just around the corner. After Christmas it seems like the snowball of camp preparation really begins to grow larger and head down the mountain! We are getting super excited and can’t wait for June. What about you? Are you ready for camp?