What’s your favorite thing about tribes?
What’s your favorite thing about tribes?
Merri-Mac, we want to know your favorite thing about the tribes.
Ask an Merri-Mac camper from the 1940’s or 50’s what camp tribe she is in and she will say “I AM a Choctaw “, or “I AM a Seminole”, or “I AM an Iroquois.” Seldom will you hear “I was.” There is a sense of permanence that gives our campers a base, a stability, and a sense of tradition. Those same former campers can walk into the Merri-Mac Dining Hall today and hear the same songs sung today as they sang them more than 60 years ago.
Each camper or counselor joins an Indian tribe soon after arriving at camp. When you become a Iroquois, Choctaw, or Seminole at initiation, you have joined a lifelong group within the Merri-Mac family. Each night in camp, our evening activity is a competition between the three tribes. At the end of the session, the tribe with the most victories wins the Merri-Mac banner and some serious bragging rights.