White Feather Round Up
White Feather Round Up
White Feather is a great system within camp. Each week, we have a special ceremony that celebrates and awards all kinds of campers, from our quiet leaders to our adventurous thrill seekers, and everyone in between. Throughout the summer, we highlight the campers that get Camper Commendations, Counselor Commendations, activity bar achievements and new rank promotions.
By the end of Summer 2022, we had the highest number of promotions for White Feather in recent years. A total of 14 girls received the highest rank of the system and received the White Feather promotion, necklace and Bible. These girls earned 30+ marks or more throughout their years at camp in objective, subjective and elective categories.
From highest and oldest ranking, to our youngest ranks, here is a look at total number of promotions for Summer 2022.
In Senior Hill …
White Feather: 14
Jr. Feather: 13
Red Tail: 59
Running Deer: 133
In Intermediate Camp …
Long Bow: 8
Crazy Creek: 55
Arrow: 148
In Junior Camp …
Bear: 1
Badger: 26
Groundhog: 79
Tumbleweed: 154
There were a total of 693 promotions this summer! We are proud of the work these girls are doing and can’t wait to see even more in 2023!
Happy camping,
Andrea Pelham
Associate Director