Starting the Session Right

Starting the Session Right
What a great day to start off the first full day of second session!!
It was a beautiful day with sunny skies, warm weather, and fun in the air. The campers burst out of bed this morning eager to start the day. Counselors were excited to watch how quickly they climbed out of the bunks and got themselves and their areas ready for the day. Hopefully this early morning trend will continue as long as possible before counselors will have to resort to puppets and water guns to get girls out of bed. Breakfast was yummy pancakes and bacon with fresh strawberries as a treat. After chapel the girls headed off to tribal meetings then scheduled activities. Get to know you games and safety talks were the order of the day then Merri-Mac started strong teaching new skills and improving old skills. Even a slight thunderstorm in the afternoon didn’t hold anyone back. Canoeing practiced their strokes in front of the chapel while Diving practiced their three step approach in preparation for the diving board. Fencing had fun learning how to lunge in the “most intense stealthy way”. In other words ninja like. The lodge was rocking while Dance was playing free tag and guitar played some Coldplay. Arrows were flying in Archery and the hills were alive with the sound of gunshots in the firing range. Team Sports worked up a sweat practicing drills and that’s barely half of the fun activities girls got to enjoy today.
We even had time for a huge group picture on the front lawn. So many pretty faces.
Evening Activity was Whiteout and pretty sure you couldn’t tell the girls apart from being covered in shaving cream. The water slide down the hill remedied that situation but they still looked the same with ear to ear grins.
Oh and how could I forget… the tribal contest has begun. After initiation last night the Legend of the Hatchet was read at lunch. The legend goes that whoever finds the hatchet buried in the woods by last year’s tribal leaders will win the banner. We will see what happens this session for the hatchet was found by Sydney Duhe for Iroquois.
All in all a great day at Camp Merri-Mac!!!
Biz Schill