Letter from Camp
Letter from Camp
- Dear Madison,
Today at camp we got to sleep in! I woke up at 7:30 and my counselors said I could go back to sleep because the whole camp was sleeping in an extra hour! When it was time to get up, we got breakfast in bed- Krispee Kreme donuts! Then we went to chapel and sang one of my favorite songs “How He Loves” and I was kind of sad because it was the last chapel of the summer. Afterwards, I went up to my cabin and sat on my friend Chelsea’s bed and played cards for a little while. Then I went to Swimming, my first class. At the lake we had a lot of fun. They played music on the dock, as usual, but today we had “free swim” about halfway into class. I got to go on the blob! Julie, I really hope you can come to camp next year because I want to blob you! You’ll go flying into the air. After that I went to Camp Craft, and we roasted marshmallows and went on the low ropes course. It looks easy, but it’s actually kind of hard! I made it all the way across though. After class, I played tetherball with two girls in my tribe (Seminole, the best one!) and then I went to lunch. For lunch we ate Philly cheese steak and curly fries! YUM! For dessert, we had brownies. Double yum! Then we had rest time, and I fell asleep for about 20 minutes, probably because I’ve had a lot of sugar today. Then we had free time, so I played more tetherball. I went to cooking for third period and we made ice cream sundaes with hot fudge and caramel. Then for fourth period we got to trail ride around the camp in horseback riding.
Then we had dinner.After dinner we met up with our tribes. Seminoles gathered by Milkyway cabin, and we were all handed candles and plates for Lakeside.
At Lakeside there was a bonfire on the fire dock in the middle of the lake! I sat next to my two best friends in my tribe and we sang a bunch of camp songs. The tribe leaders did a ceremony where they canoed around the bonfire with big torches as we sang some more beautiful songs. Then we all floated our candles in the water. This night will probably be one of my favorite memories. The lake looked so beautiful! Afterwards, we all hugged each other and began to say our goodbyes, because we know that in the morning we’ll be leaving. I’m very excited for tomorrow though because we find out which tribe won the banner! I have a feeling it will be the Seminoles, because we are the best tribe! I can’t wait to come back next summer. I’m going to try to convince my parents to let me stay for 4 weeks, because that’s how long Chelsea stays. I’ll see you soon!Your friend,
ZoeyGirls who went on trips today:
Waterskiing trip:
Briggette N., Julia B., Elizabeth O., Grace R., Nora C., Lydia H.
Drama trip:
Elizabeth P., Laura L., Lizzy H., Maddie L., Lindsey H., Riley W.
Written by:
Kelly Jeffries and Rebecca Haynie; Comet counselors