New Trails at Camp
New Trails at Camp
Camp has a really cool new addition to offer our campers this summer…NEW TRAILS! And this is about a two and a half mile long addition! We hired an awesome company called Long Cane Trails from South Carolina to design and dig them out using a mini-dozer (and a bunch of chain saws). Campers will be able to use them for just about all of our activities but specifically mountainbiking, horseback riding, running, and backpacking (These will lead climbers up to the really great climb site we found on property). They are amazing and run from just below Moonmist all the way up past the counsel ring (literally right by it) and up around to the shelter and back by the Mark and end next to Spencer’s Green. I can’t wait for our campers to get to experience them. We are hoping to start a Merri-Mac trail running club for our campers in the summer!
Check out the mini-dozer. It is just so cool!