Nothing better than a Merri-Mac Day!

Nothing better than a Merri-Mac Day!
With yet another sound of the bugle, memories upon memories begin to be made here at Merri-Mac! Just as the chores are being finished you can hear the symphony of guitars, ukuleles, and darling voices begin to play! When the day starts with music and clean cabins you automatically know it will be a fantastic day! The aroma of pancakes and bacon fill the air as the girls begin to make their way down to Tucker Inn. With it being “Tucker Inn Tuesday”, seeing shirts tucked in is the norm. Breakfast ends with morning songs that leaves everyone with a smile on their face because “ain’t it good to be crazy,” especially when you are being crazy here at Merri-Mac for the summer!
The girls had a blast praising the Lord to some of their favorite chapel songs and listening to Adam as he delivered his message! Adams message was about how we all sin, but with Christ’s never failing love he covers it all; and without Christ our very foundations would crumble. When Adam told his “plumbing story” as an analogy there couldn’t have been anymore giggling throughout the chapel!
Even a threat of rain is not enough to damper the fun on this fine Tuesday morning. The weather began partly cloudy, but soon enough the sun started to peak through the clouds just in time for some morning activities! Rachel C. was happy the rain stayed away because today she got to work on her bronze in climbing, and Megan R. received her bronze bar today! More fun was had in climbing as half of the class including, Jess T, went to the grotto to practice a little bouldering.
After their morning activities the girls were surprised at lunch with a crowd favorite, MINI CORNDOGS AND MAC-AND-CHEESE! The lunch was gobbled right up and then followed with some oatmeal raisin cookies, more laughter, and of course, tribal songs! After the tribal songs the results from last night’s evening activity, volleyball Iroquois VS. Choctaw, was in! Drum roll please…… IROQUOIS TAKES VOLLEYBALL ALONG WITH SPIRIT POINTS! The Seminoles proudly defeated the ice cream as well.
Despite the forecast the rain held off the whole afternoon and all trips and activities were a go! Today has been a VERY accomplishing day for all of the Merri-Mac girls. In pottery, Cassidy H finished throwing her pot, it was beautiful if I do say so myself. In knitting many girls are finishing their pieces. Caroline A. is casting off for her headband, and Maddie M. is almost done with her infinity scarf! In guitar, Taylor Swifts song, “22”, can be heard from anywhere on senior hill because instructor, Kendall K, has done a fantastic job of teaching her girls how to play it! Also in guitar Chloe R. received her silver today! In archery I was lucky enough to watch Miss Mary Katherine C. get her first bull’s-eye from 20 yds away! In swimming, Mary Helen P treaded for 30 min. fully clothed to get one step to receiving her Gold bar! Also in swimming, Morgan P. and Julia P. treaded water but for 10 mins to work towards their bronze! In cooking they made pancakes, the class got to choose between if they would like chocolate chips, bananas, or blueberries in them!
There’s just something different about a Merri-mac day, it’s almost indescribable. The laughter and smiles fill the air here and it creates an overwhelming sense of friendship and community that cannot be found anywhere else. The memories made here are dearly cherished, and sought out year after year. Stay tuned tomorrow, the evening activity tonight is THE HUNGER GAMES (weather permitting, and cabin trivia night if bad weather occurs) you don’t want to miss these results!