NCYCA is a big deal to us
NCYCA is a big deal to us
We were very pleased that Adam Boyd was recently elected to be to be the president of the North Carolina Youth Camp Association. The NCYCA is an organization of summer camps and adventure programs in North Carolina that works to strengthen the thriving camping industry that lives here. Because laws and policies change all the time, a group of us got together in 2010 to form an association to give our industry a stronger voice in the region. Since then, we have grown to 50 camps and 40 supporting sponsors. The NCYCA is extremely valuable to us here at Merri-Mac because our campers and our quality program is valuable to us. NCYCA also gives us an opportunity to grow among peers in the camping profession. Having other good people around you is valuable because it allows the opportunity to learn from one another (just like at camp).
We know that Merri-Mac has had an impact on your life each summer as you develop friendships and enjoy time spent in the woods here in western North Carolina. But specifically through Adam’s work with NCYCA, it also has an impact on our industry by advocating for your experience and the experiences of countless other campers who visit this area each year to benefit and play at camp.