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This lovely Monday morning began like every day with the ringing bugle waking our Merri-Mac girls with similes on their faces. After cabin pick up the girls ran down the hill to the Tucker Inn to find a camp favorite for breakfast, circle eggs. This delectable meal consists of circle eggs, biscuits, and sausages that are often combined to create a delicious breakfast sandwich. Although delicious, breakfast was a little different today due to the fact that the SunnySiders (The sixteen year olds, tribal leaders, and oldest cabin) were missing. Today was the annual SunnySide trip where everyone in both the Cloud Nine and SunnySide cabins spend a whole day off camp doing various fun activities in the surrounding area. Although missing our fearless leaders we didn’t skip a beat. The Dreams End cabin took charge and led morning songs, getting the chance to do SunnySide leadership roles. From breakfast our Merri-Mac girls traveled up the hill to the chapel where counselors Kendell and Maddy led the girls in worship. After, our Associate Director, Anne Yetsko gave the morning message. She taught us that although we often feel the need to cover our sin from God, we don’t have to worry because Jesus died to set us free from that sin.

After chapel the girls participated in two hours of fun filled activities. In tennis class, girls reviewed their back and forehand swings and then learned their serves and volleys. The girls were quite impressive and their tennis skills were looking incredible. Also, in Gymnastics the girls worked on their floor skills ranging from forward rolls all the way to back tucks. As I passed Lake Doris I saw both the water slide and blob in full swing. The sound of laughter filled the air. Needless to say the campers love both the blob and the water slide and they had tons of fun.

Once first and second activities ended girls headed back to the Tucker Inn to find another camp favorite for lunch, the famous Stromboli. Many a camp song have included camper’s love for this Italian cuisine, including this year SunnySide add on song. The excitement built as campers sat patiently for the food to be served and then the competition began… the race to see how many pieces of Stromboli a cabin could eat. This year’s winner was Dreams Begin with a proud fifty-five pieces eaten cabin wide. As someone who has personally competed in this competition when I was a camper, I can honestly say that this is a huge accomplishment. After finishing off the delicious meal with a chocolate chip cookie, Dreams End led songs once again for the missing SunnySiders and the hills rang loudly with the lunch time sounds of tribal cheers.

Once lunch ended, the girls headed to their cabins for the beloved rest time but not Princess Court. The cabin princesses and CIT’s headed to the Mike to continue rehearsing this year’s Princess Party Play. This top-secret play is looking great and Princess Anna is doing a wonderful job in preparing for a beautiful performance.



This year’s Princess Court and Cabin Princesses:


Tweedle Dee- Eva B.                                      Big Dipper- Ally P.

Tweedle Doe- Kathryn B.                               Moonmist- Katie M.

Tweedle Dum- Leighton E.                             Rainbow- Maggie O.

Sunspot-Carly P.                                             Dreams Begin- Bree P.

Sundrop- Cooper K.                                       Dreams End- Rachel B.

Stardust- Lizzie R.                                           Cloud Nine- Christina C.

Comet- Annalise M.                                       SunnySide- Nicole Y.

Blue Heaven- Allie M.


After rest time and trading post, girls continued on to their third and fourth activities. In cooking campers made macaroni and cheese as well as pigs in a blanket. Girls in DIY Crafts painted canvases with the outline of their home state. Their work was absolutely beautiful. Basketball class spent the day learning defense and improving their basketball skills. Camp Craft spent the day learning the proper way to pack a pack for trails. Camper Audrey S. told me that she “loved Camp Craft because it gave her the chance to learn the backpack rules and made her ready to take a trip out of camp.” It was wonderful seeing the girls get excited about taking the skills they learned in camp and feeling prepared to take them out in the wilderness surrounding Black Mountain.


Today’s dinner was delicious spaghetti with some good veggies and cake for desert. After cabin songs were sung, Director Adam announced the much anticipated cabin cake winners. Every week the cabins in each division with the top cabin cleaning scores win a cake. This weeks cabin winners were Tweedle Dee for junior camp, Stardust (Best Cabin) for intermediate camp, and Sunny Side for Senior camp. After dinner was finished the girls participate in the first cabin night of the summer! Cabin night consists of each cabin having their own activities. Tweedles spend the evening doing free swim with the older Comet cabin. Stardust spent the evening making smore’s by the Teepee and spending the night sleeping out at the archery range. Milkyway also spent the evening making smore’s up at the counsel ring. Blue Heaven cooked some cupcakes in the kitchen as well as had Blue Heaven initiation. Rainbow had a dance party and made smore’s while Moonmist played laser tag. Dreams Begin played with the puppies and spent the night out at the Mark. Big Dipper also played with the puppies and had a delicious pancake party. Dreams End spent tonight swimming in the Boyd’s pool and ended it with a raid of the oldest cabin, SunnySide, who has been gone all day.


And what has Sunnyside been up today?


Well the beloved SunnySide trip began with Chick Fila Breakfast in bed. The girls then drove to Max Patch, a big field surround by beautiful mountains and rolling hills. There they flew kites and spent the day enjoying the scenery. They then drove back to camp and got ready for a Black Mountain photo shoot. They then had a nice dinner in Ashville followed by a delicious desert at Blue Cone Ice cream. They ended their night at Lake Tomahawk looking at the stars, singing songs, and enjoying each other’s presence. All together it was a perfect day of growing together as a cabin and experiencing a long tradition at camp. Too bad they have to return to a raided cabin. But don’t worry, I’m sure they are going to find a way to get Dreams End back. We’ll have to wait and see what the SunnySiders have up their sleeves.


In all today was filled with sunshine, laughter and growth. And each day we are here together I see the Merri-Mac community strengthen and shaped these girls. I can’t wait to see what the summer still holds in store for them.


Much Love,

Counselor Christy

Proud Iroquois and Stardust Counselor