Rockmont or Sockmont?

Rockmont or Sockmont?
It was a beautiful day at Merri-Mac where the bugle and the bright sunshine awoke the sweet faces all around camp. All the girls gathered in Tucker Inn for a delicious breakfast of French toast, sausage, and grits, with a choice of yogurt, granola, fruit, and cereal. The Tweedles came to breakfast in their adorable pajamas for an early treat! Even some of the counselors took part in this! After breakfast, we all trekked up to the chapel for a Bible lesson in John 1:1 from Adam Boyd himself. We were blessed to have our very own Sunnysider, Hunter W., proud Seminole chief, lead us in worship by singing and playing the guitar. (This was a requirement for earning her gold bar in guitar. She completed her gold bar in fourth period by teaching a class and playing a specific song picked out by the instructor. Go Hunter!) After chapel, the girls enjoyed a few minutes of free time before they went to their first period of the day.
Each activity was in full swing as I came around to visit! Climbing was setting new routes on the climbing wall and PAWS was teaching the puppies to walk on a leash. Even kayaking was practicing how to wet exit when flipped up side down. Girls were achieving many new skills and having the time of their life while doing so. Many girls from the senior camp got the opportunity to take a trip to the farmers market for their cooking class and got to make their very own lunch in the cooking kitchen for a special treat!
First and second period came to a close and the girls found their way back to Tucker Inn for lunch. The wonderful kitchen staff prepared one of the girl’s favorite meals: meatball subs, waffle fries, and S’more pockets! After lunch, with their bellies full and their eyelids heavy, the girls made their way back to their cabins for a thirty-minute rest break. As the bugle released the girls for Trading Post, the sound of more than four hundred feet came down with a loud thud and the following sound of a stampede running down the mountain for candy and soda. Free time consisted of many activities such as tetherball, volleyball, and playing in the Tweedle Creek.
Third and fourth period followed free time. Cooking took on the challenge of making pizza today. I can tell y’all from a firsthand experience, the pizza was a success and it was delicious. YUM! They are becoming such skilled young ladies! I also had the pleasure to sit in with some girls in DIY Crafts and Knitting. I asked what they looked forward to most about coming to camp each summer. Sunnysider, Zoe R. responded:
“I look forward to coming back and seeing some of my best friends that I only get to see once a year!”
I think that is one of the clooest parts about Merri-Mac! The girls make such great friends here and no matter the distance or the time between them, they come back each summer and start back right where they left off. It is a special type of friendship.
As I made my way to some more of the activities, I was so excited to check in at the Archery range! I came just in time to witness Caroline C. get her bronze bar! This is such a huge accomplishment at Merri-Mac and we are so proud of you Caroline! Getting a bronze bar in archery consists of scoring specific points at both fifteen and twenty yards, knowing all the safety rules at the archery range, AND the parts of both the bow and arrow.
Other accomplishments that occurred today were Morgan B. receiving her silver bar in guitar and Nicole Y. receiving her bronze bar in guitar. My very own camper, Audrey G.,in Tweedle Dum, received her silver in swimming! Another one of my campers, Merrill S., received both her bronze and silver in gymnastics! Way to go girls!!!
Tonight’s dinner was pork chops, hash brown casserole, vegetables, and fudge pops. We ended the meal in cabin songs and a surprise invitation for the intermediate and senior camp girls from the local camp, Rockmont, for a dance! The girls squealed in excitement. Each girl fixed their hair and got on some of their finest clothing and were all bused over for the evening! The junior camp stayed behind and had a dance of their own called “Sockmont”! Each girl changed into their prettiest pajamas and socks and congregated in Tucker Inn for an evening of famous Disney tunes and the wonderful band of One Direction to sing and dance the night away! Oh boy!
Stay tuned for pictures and more details of the exciting events and activities to come!
Thank you for blessing us with your wonderful girls for these past few weeks!
God Bless!
Counselor Madi S.
Tweedle Dum
Archery Instructor
Zephaniah 3:17