White Feather, White Out (and fairies too…)
White Feather, White Out (and fairies too…)
Saturdays at camp are really unlike any other. Whether one was building fairy houses or participating in “Saturday Fun Day” on Lake Doris or getting promoted at the White Feather ceremony, days like today are truly one for the books.
After Chapel today, the Tweedles began crafting lovely fairy homes. Anything from a beach to a house to a hospital, our Tweedles could build it all. Sammie J. said, “I am in charge of making the place where fairies can be born and taken care of.” Their houses were never truly finished until after sprinkling plenty of fairy dust (sand from the Volleyball court) on them. Layne S. was in charge of making the fairy beach, which included umbrellas and beach chairs. It would definitely be a perfect getaway for our visiting fairies.
Making flower headbands has been the latest and greatest trend for the girls at camp, so what better way to properly welcome our visiting fairies than to make them a flower headband. The girls knew, however, that they would need to make them extra small because fairies are extra tiny.
The girls are just hoping for another visit from the fairies like last year, which included a trail of sparkling fairy dust and jellybeans left behind. Here at Camp Merri-Mac, we not only want to bring great hospitality to our campers but our fairy friends as well.
Fairies weren’t the only thing magical about this Saturday. Today kicked off the first “Saturday Fun Day” of the summer. Doris was filled with campers so excited about today’s water activities.
The campers were able to have a complete free swim, which meant The Blob and the slide were open…who doesn’t love that? The diving boards were also open for play, where straddle jumps and front tucks were the norm. However, kayaks and canoes speckled the lake which their bright colors, where they also participated in the fun day by either just paddling through the lake or playing games against one another. As the lifeguards say, “Dock life is the best life.”
Many campers participated in the White Feather ceremony, where campers get promotions and commendations that go toward one day receiving the White Feather award.
The following campers from Junior Camp received commendations: Kindle H., Kathryn B., Natalie B., Lily B., Leighton E., Reese C., Evelyn R., Carly P., Marlo R., Carson C., Cooper K., and Madison C.
These campers from Intermediate Camp received commendations: Reese R., Elizabeth R., Margaret D., Katie T., Casey C., Emerson E., Madigan E., Meghan H., Caroline R., Katherine Faye N., Allie M., Lexie D., Emma H., Grace K., Abigail H., Morgan R., Moriah S., Isabel E., Emma S., Sarah Grace A., and Ally P. The following campers from Intermediate Camp received bars for activities they are in: in Climbing, Emma S. received her bronze; in guitar, Sarah Grace A. and Cate F. received their bronze; in gymnastics, Emma Claire M. and Moriah S. received their bronze; in soccer, Elke G., Ally P., Sophie V., and Emerson E. received their bronze; and in Tennis, Cate F. received her bronze.
The following campers from Senior Camp received commendations: Mary Elizabeth B., Sang-Mi L., Katie M., Julianna R., Maggie O., Marth Elizabeth W., MC C., Bree P., Madeline H., Evelyn A., Victoria B., Catherine M., Maggie B., Lenox H., Julia P., Mairin M., Hannah G., Camille P., Emily Ann S., and Miller E. The following campers from Senior Camp received bars for activities they are in: in dance, Hannah G. received her bronze, silver, and gold; in guitar, Mary Elizabeth B. and Emily Ann S. received their bronze; in lacrosse, Victoria B. and Hunter W. received their bronze; in tennis, Martha Elizabeth W. received her bronze; and in volleyball, Caroline G. received her bronze and silver.
The following campers received promotions during the White Feather ceremony: Tumbleweed: Lucy B., Cooper K., Madeline M., Sarah R., Alexandra VD., Abigail A., Ava M., Mae M., Carly P., Eve Q., Nora B., Layne S., Natalie B., Lily B., Katherine E., Samantha J., Alissa L., Marlo R., Graham S., Ryan S., Reese C., Leah E., Ashley M., Ensley M., and Lucy P.; Groundhog: Evelyn R., Madison C., Eva B., Carson C., and Kindle H.; Badger: Kathryn B. and Kindle H.; Arrow: Alexa D., Emma H., Sarah Grace A., Meghan H., Mary Ellison M., Nicole S., Casey C., Madigan E., Isabel R., Samantha F., and Reese R.; Crazy Creek: Mary Avrett B. and Emerson E.; Running Deer: Julia P., Marley D., Maggie O., Catherine M., Bree P., Hannah G., MC C., and Anne Morrison B.; and Red Tail: Caroline K.
After the White Feather ceremony, all of the happy campers ran to their evening event: White Out. Campers doused themselves and each in shaving cream, some rolling around in pools of it. After a long time of smiling at each other through creamy facials, the epic slip and slide began. Campers took trips, one by one, down the slippery slope of shaving cream and baby soap. Once the smiling and smearing had gone on for a while, campers were sprayed clean by a water hose and continued to their cabins for showers and final activities.
As you can see today was really like none other, many first year campers got to experience what it felt like to be awarded a promotion during White Feather, while others had the eventful day of being a contractor for fairies for a day. These are just some way that we at Camp Merri-Mac promote growth and LOVE our campers.
Counselor Emmalee