It’s a Gold Rush!
It’s a Gold Rush!
Another day in paradise at camp begins with the bugle awaking the girls as always. The girls run the down the hill to delicious breakfast of fresh bagels and cinnamon rolls. With their bellies full, the girls run up to the chapel to hear a message from Adam on “Who is Jesus?. The morning was in full swing by first period when another week of classes began. For the two-week campers who had already been here a week classes today consisted of continuing developing skills.
In drama classes today they learned to mime. In classes like archery and riflery they continued working on bars by shooting at their targets. The lake was filled with joy as girls spent the day practicing rolls in kayaking, learning deep water reentering in canoeing, and working on strokes in swimming. On Mackey’s today the girls practiced executing proper passing technique in soccer with a surprise visit from the puppies as the girls in PAWs were training the dogs on the leashes. The girls got crafty today in DIY crafts making arrows and beginning throwing clay in pottery.
We had another amazing lunch today of meatball subs! A camp favorite, which always ends in songs of admirations for the kitchen staff and all their hard work. After finishing their subs the senior girls ran to the clothing while the rest of the girls trotted up the hill to have a relaxing rest time. As always the girls were woken up from their sugar sweet dreams by the bugle they ran to get their real sugar rushes from the trading post while activities opened up for girls to work on their bars.
For the new one week campers today classes were started by the counselors giving a safety talk and exclaiming their excitement for the activity they teach before merging the new girls in with the two week campers to practice skills. After an exhausting day so far the girls all came together for a dinner of fried chicken before heading out for a tribal activity of Gold Rush.
Gold Rush is played by having the girls separate into their tribes and run all over camp looking for gold rocks and objects around camp. As the girls are running around they are being chased by bandits (the counselors) and if tagged they must go back to the Teepee with their gold and tell pretend stories of why they need the gold more than the bandits. The winner is the person with the best story and they get to keep the gold for points toward the tribe. After cheering and running around for their tribes the girls returned to their cabins for cabin time and devotions before bed. Camp is great.
Counselor Abby