Merri Christmas!
Merri Christmas!
Merri Christmas!
The schedule today was rocked by Christmas festivities. The girls were encouraged to stay in bed till 9, but many of them were so excited that they woke up early to start the day. At 9 am Merri-Mac staff drove to the cabins playing Christmas music and passing out the Merri-Mac Christmas breakfast, which consisted of donuts and hot chocolate. Emma J. boasted that she ate four and half donuts. The girls soon got ready and finished their morning chores. Chapel started at 10:30 where they sang Christmas hymns and Adam read the story of the velveteen rabbit. Because of the late start, the girls skipped first period and proceeded to second period. Isabel E. cross-stitched the slogan “First, Last, and Always” in DIY crafts and Julia Claire A. practiced for the Fine Arts Night in chorus.
The girls then enjoyed their favorite taco in a bag lunch. During Trading Post, Stewart Anne M. held a tennis tournament and Sydney B. held a fencing tournament. Third and fourth period proceeded on schedule and then it was time for dinner. The girls enjoyed sliced chicken with dressing, mashed potatoes, and green beans with peach crisp for dessert. The Christmas festivities continued at the Christmas Party where the intermediate cabins performed individual skits. The girls were then encouraged to shower and get ready for bed, but before it was time for bed they enjoyed a firework show. And it was a Merri Christmas indeed.
With good cheer,
Counselor Micah