Welcome to 3B!

Welcome to 3B!
Dear Parents,
Welcome to camp! Merri-Mac started this session with a beautiful opening day. The sun was shining, the breeze was perfect and there were many happy faces. Ann and I enjoyed talking with so many of our parents as you checked your girls in.
After a year of planning we officially started this session with a swim test, deemed “Discover Doris”, followed by a delicious dinner of pot roast and potatoes, and ending with cabin songs. It’s always fun to see the girls sing as part of their new cabin each year – and Comet did an especially great job tonight. Those girls are excited to be on the hill. That said, it’s pretty clear that the big excitement is coming tomorrow when they sing their tribe songs for the first time in a year.
Later several cabins were seen sneaking out with their staff for their own special cabin initiations. There are lots of girls becoming Merri-Mac insiders tonight.
Tonight during initiation we had many smiling faces joining their respective tribes tonight.
Seminoles: Julia C, Loy H, Olivia R, Merrit G, Zoe K, Eleanor T, Julia S, Turner C, Sarah P, Lucy B, Tallulah B, Anna D, Laura L, Emma D, Kate S, Matilde V, Maeve H, Fiona S, Lia Rose H, Paris C, and Sarah R.
Choctaw: Elizabeth P, Esmeralda S, Ava W, Aubrey W, Mary Emma W, Olivia W, Daley C, Caroline D, Emma M, Blake D, Anna R, Margaret B, Shea S, Margaret C, Giovanna P, Emma C, Alexa S, Annabel R, Maria B, Ella T, Carolena S, Molly M, Isabella D, Alyssa S, and Bailey Z.
Iroquois: Jolie F, Kate S, Adair S, Callie S, Savannah S, Marion M, Mia S, EJ S, Vivian F, Sara Byrd S, Carolyn J, Lillian Jane L, Caroline C, Amy W, Erin W, Allie J, Ellie K, Maggie S, Mira S, Catherine J, Lauren D, Adeline G, Nora Q, Dargan M, Rose R, and Isabela F.
I wanted to end by thanking you again for sharing your daughters with us; we have a great group of girls and we are proud of each of them. We also have some very exciting days lined up and we’ll keep you posted each day.
Great Camping!
Adam Boyd